Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Big Boss...Or Is It?

 Hey folks, it's been a very long time since I've used my blog to say anything. Almost 6 years to be exact, since pregnant with my middle son Derrick Jr. The crazy part is I'm only using my blog as part of a school assignment. That's girl is back in school trying to get her degree finally. My task is to write a review of a product that I have used and then to post it into our weekly discussion's post online.

 So here we go. About two to three weeks ago my wonderful husband brought a contraption home called The Big Boss Oil Less Fryer. I literally looked at the huge box with amazement and asked "What's this"? He was so proud when he replied " You said you needed a new frying pan to fry chicken, so I brought this because it's a healthier way to fry chicken". Big Boss  huh ?
Mind you the very same day he decided to purchase this huge thing was the same day we were hosting a birthday dinner for our youngest son in our home and what was on the menu? Fried chicken! LOL

 What my husband wasn't aware of was that I had just purchased a brand new iron casket skillet from Target. But nonetheless I didn't want to seem unappreciative and ask him to take it back because he's right of course, we do need to eat healthier. As I start to open the big box, read the manual and see the many pieces that come with the Big Boss I start to feel a little overwhelmed. Like it shouldn't be this hard to make fried chicken, healthier or not.  I get all of the pieces I need together after my quick overview of how to use the darn thing, plug it in and notice that I can only (to my assumption) fry about 6-8 pieces of chicken at a time. It says that using the infrared heat at  375 degrees for about 35 minutes my chicken should be fully cooked.  I noticed that there was a small glass spray bottle which was to spray the one thing this machine claimed it didn't need....oil! Well how contradictory is that?

 Once I laid the battered chicken in the provided mesh basket and turn the Big Boss on I went on about my business and did other things while it cooked. About 20 minutes into the contraption doing it's thing or so I thought, I noticed that the chicken looked no where near done. So I decided to put some oil in the spray bottle and commence to lightly squirt some canola oil on the pieces of chicken and then restarted the timer.  By this time I also decided to pull out my brand new iron cast skillet and just go old school. I put about 12 pieces of chicken in the skillet and within the same amount of time as the Big Boss should have fried the chicken, my pieces in the skillet were done and nice and crisp.  The pieces in the "oil-less" fryer on the other hand still were not done the way fried chicken was supposed to be. I could still see some of the flour batter and this is after basically an hour in the machine and me using the oil spray bottle.

 But I didn't give up, I continued with using my skillet and kept re-starting the timer on the Big Boss until I got the chicken cooked the way it should be. In the very end I had done about 3 more batches of fried chicken (maybe 50-60 pieces of chicken)in my skillet and only cooked a total 12 pieces in the Big Boss . Needless to say I'm not a fan of the Big Boss Oil-Less Fryer. There is a reason fried chicken is fried in a skillet on the stove top IN oil, somethings should not be messed with. This is one of them. Out of 10, I give the Big Boss a 5 when it comes to frying foods. I have yet to use the machine to bake food items but that will be another day and another review.  So save your money and do not purchase the Big Boss as a healthier frying alternative. A boss it's not!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

6 months and drama

Here I am at 25 weeks pregnant. Whew and a lot has been going on since I've last written. Which I'm going to try to do better with. My pregnancy has been great for the last month, up until last week. Last Saturday I was in the bed most of the day with tremendous back pain. Everytime I would stand up and put pressure on my left foot a shooting pain would race up my back. So I debated on going to the ER, but instead called the on-call nurse. She told me to rest and take a warm bath. That I did, and it helped. The very next day I was back to being a busy bee. I can't keep still I know.

On the home front, we're in the middle of packing up our apartment to move into our new home. There has been so much drama between our lender and the owner it's been ridiculous! I will save that drama for another entry. Right now we're on track to go to settlement this upcoming week and be moved in by the 22nd. I just want all of this to be over with so I can focus on DJ's arrival. Other than that I'm blessed. Today is Valentines Day and I've had a great day so far. Derrick suprised me yesterday with roses, card and candy last night. Then today he took me and Asia out to lunch. His two Valentines :-)

Here I am now updating my negelecting blog which Derrick is at bowling.

Until next time, be blessed.

Friday, January 16, 2009

5 Months!!

I am now 21 weeks pregnant( 5 months and 1 week). Life is good, even with the heartburn, back pains and constant movement. The holidays were great and so was the New Year.

On Jan 7th I had a follow up doctors appointment with the office that did my 1st Trimester Screening for Down Syndrome. We would also find out the sex of the baby at this time. I was nervous and excited at the same time. I was nervous because I didn't want to hear that my risks of the baby having DS had increased. Well I'm glad to not only report that the baby is perfectly fine, but it is also A BOY!! Yup we're having a precious boy. Derrick Lamont Jr.(DJ for short).

Another blessing to add is that in one week the Massie family will offically be homeowners! We're so excited to have our first home. See ya later apartment!

Well until next time, be blessed.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Almost 4 months!!

I can't believe how fast time is flying. I'm 15 weeks and 2 days, one week shy of my 4 month mark. Wow, I think I'm getting a little nervous here.

Since I've last written I received my test results from my 1st Trimester Screening. My risk for the baby having Down Syndrome were a little elevated ,but nothing major. Like all doctors they offered the Amnio to be done, but I turned it down. I know who is in control and that's God. The exact same thing happened in my pregnancy with Asia. That time however I got the Amnio done, not knowing any better. Now my faith is more stronger and I'll keep it moving. I did give more blood today for further tests, but I am certainly not risking a miscarriage.

Today was a day full of doctor's appointments. First I took my mother to get her Thyroids checked out and some blood work done. Got something to eat and then went across town to my OB appointment. Before going there, I stopped off to give more blood and then went upstairs. I was 30 minutes early, hoping to be seen and outta there. Sure enough I was out by 2:10 and my appointment was originally for 2. LOL

I have gained 2 lbs, which is good considering at my last appointment I had LOST weight. The baby's heartbeat is nice and strong. Just like his/her daddy!

My next check up is on Jan 2nd and I will be 19 weeks. I would've been able to find out the sex of the baby then, but I have to do my Quad Screening on the 21st. So because insurance SUCKS, they won't pay for two seperate sonograms. Needless to say I'll be on pins and needles until January 21st!!

We're also hoping to have gone to settlement on our house by then and be all moved in by January 31st!! PARRTTAE!!! Sike naw, no people over till our "open house/baby shower"....maybe.

Here are the latest pics( taken with my cell phone b/c there are no batteries in the camera).

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

1st Trimester Screening

Today I had my 1st Trimester Screening. What is this? Well to put it simply it's a test that determines if your baby is at rish for Down Syndrome and other disorders such as spinabifoda.

I was a nervous wreck because everything with this pregnancy is already so different from my last( 9 years ago!). I just wanted to make sure the doctor wouldn't come back and tell me something is wrong with my baby. So far so good, now I just have to wait a week for my blood test to come back.

Cravings: EVERYTHING! I'm so happy to have my appetite back and tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Thank you lord!

Also if you didn't know Derrick and I both want a little boy this time, and guess what?? He wants a namesake :-( Oh well, we'll discuss and if we have a Derrick Massie Jr. I will end up calling him D.J. while his father insists on calling him J.R.( for junior..weird I know..LOL).

On a sad note Derrick's grandmother passed away last week and the funeral was Monday. You'll know me. I'm emotional as it is, but pregnant I'm no good.

Oh wait one more thing , my due date has been changed!! Baby Massie will be due to arrive on May 26, 2009!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

12 Weeks


Your girl is now 12 weeks and 2 days pregnant. Time is flying, I know. Baby Massie will be here in no time, you'll ready?? I am. I'm doing wonderful, I finally have my appetite back and my stomach is slowly expanding. I've been chowing down on PB&J, Steak and Cheese and Ice Cream. Even after eating these foods I still managed to lose 3 lbs when I went for my 11/12 weeks check up last week. Next month I don't think I'll have that problem. LOL. The Massie family is well and crazy excited about welcoming this new addition. Please continue to keep us in prayer as we're still on our journey. Stay tuned as always and be blessed!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Morning Sickness

Well it's offically started. The morning sickness :-(

I'm more sleepy than anything, but today after I took my pre-natal pill I thought I'd be praying over the toilet( like Tonya says)!! LOL

My girlfriend Tracey takes care of me, and gave me some honey-wheat bread. Whew, that helped A LOT! Thanks Tracey!!

Otherwise, I'm blessed feeling good.

Check out my little "grain of rice" embryo.